Auto parts catalog to OPEL CORSA C (X01)

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Prices for
Product Price
Герметик Victor Reinz 70-31414-10 238,16 UAH
Герметик Corteco HT200C 175,44 UAH
Герметик Corteco HT300C 177,71 UAH
Герметик Ajusa 75000200 274,59 UAH
Герметик Ajusa 75000100 635,00 UAH
Questions and answers
🚘 How to choose null to OPEL CORSA C (X01) for your car?
🔝 Which brands are the most popular in the null to OPEL CORSA C (X01) group?
🥇 What are the most popular products in the null to OPEL CORSA C (X01) group in 2025?
💵 What are the prices in Mriyar for null to OPEL CORSA C (X01)?

top car modifications OPEL CORSA C (X01)
  • OPEL CORSA C (X01) 1.6 (F08, F68) 92ls (Z 16 YNG)
  • OPEL CORSA C (X01) 1.7 DTI (F08, F68) 75ls (Y 17 DT)
  • OPEL CORSA C Box (X01) 1.6 (F08, W5L) 97ls (Z 16 YNG)
  • OPEL CORSA C Box (X01) 1.4 (W5L, F08) 90ls (Z 14 XEP)
  • OPEL CORSA C (X01) 1.0 (F08, F68) 58ls (Z 10 XE)
  • OPEL CORSA C Box (X01) 1.7 DTI 16V (F08, W5L) 75ls (Y 17 DT)
  • OPEL CORSA C (X01) 1.7 CDTI (F08, F68) 100ls (Z 17 DTH)
  • OPEL CORSA C (X01) 1.4 (F08, F68) 82ls (14 SE)
  • OPEL CORSA C (X01) 1.7 DI (F08, F68) 65ls (Y 17 DTL)
  • OPEL CORSA C (X01) 1.4 Twinport (F08, F68) 90ls (Z 14 XEP)

Popular Manufacturers to OPEL CORSA C (X01)